My island Adventure, only Anytime® Cup can be used


Sitting on the subway, I remembered that strange dream last night. “I was sitting in a small boat. The boat floated for a long time. Suddenly a big wave and my boat overturned, fell apart. In a hurry, I grabbed a wooden board and floated again……”

When I opened my eyes again, I was lying on the island, and everything around was strange. I yelled loudly and without response, very scared. I want to ask for help, no one can be found everywhere. I need to call for help, open the backpack, only one phone (but it has been soaked in water), anytime® menstrual cup with fold cup, a book and a pen;

anytime menstrual cup

In order to survive, climb trees and pick fruits. It’s too cold at night, to keep warm I make a drill. When thirsty, drinking seawater by the folding cup.

I struggling for a month. On this day, I came to a tree as usual and wanted to pick some fruits, suddenly a boa appeared, opened its mouth to me and I shouted.

“Very fortunate, it’s a dream.” When I woke up, I felt more tired. I wanted to sleep for a while, looked at the alarm clock, and will be late for work.